Optometric services and visual tests
An integral part of our service is the comprehensive optometric*) assessement, this includes determination of refraction as well as assessement of visual capacity and binocular vision. These examinations and measerments, assisted by state of the art equipment, are the key to individual and appropriate measures leading to an optimal prescribing of visual aides.
Vision at the workplace, while driving or in traffic in general, during recreation, sports and further special conditions is frequently asking for individual customized solutions, defined and pursued in close collaboration in the dialogue with the client . Based on a careful assessement we provide advice on type of spectacle and/or contact lens for the desired field of view (distance, close up, intermediate).
Furthermore we provide validating vision tests for a driving licence of all categories, including boats, as well as vision screenings for companies, sports Clubs, sports federations and other institutions.
Do the results of the assessement raise suspicion regarding pathologic changes, are we cooperating interdiscplinary and refer to appropriate institutions and/or specialists.
*) The word "Optometrie" finds ist origin in the Greek language, "äopsi" for eye and "ämetroni" for measuring.