
Leo Neuweiler and Eva Neuenschwander are highly qualified optometrists offering individual consultation for visual problems and the fitting of contact lenses ans glasses for children and adults.
Patricia Rivero and Cheyenne Wyss are well-versed in administration and customer service.
With their team they provide a pleasent, relaxed atmosphere and state-of-the-art infrastructure with a high level of professionalism.
We lay the basis for optimal optical care with glasses or contact lenses by measering visual acuity as well the optical/visual functioning of the eye.
Good Vision with contact lenses requires a qualified, special fitting and selection of the type of lens. We are familiar with the latest technical options for the manufacture of lenses and have participated on the frontline as Monitors of the latest developments for test series or at an external test site. We continuously apply existing knowledge in our activities supplemented by the latest findings from higher education research and development.
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