Corona Virus / COVID-19

updated on 23/04/2010

Until now, the year 2020 has brought us a great deal of uncertainty, even fear and profound changes in our social life. Without wanting to deny the positive effects of the deceleration and the lower pollutant emissions of the past weeks - we missed you!


 From 27.04.2020 we can take the first steps back to normality.


We are happy to give you the assurance that your visual performance and contact lens compatibility are at their best. Your health is important to us.


The safety measures we have taken for your visit are in line with the latest scientific knowledge and recognised standards.

Leo Neuweiler


Owner/ Manager

Eva Neuenschwander

B.Sc. EurOptom.

Looking for good sight

A person normally perceives most of his environment through the visual system. Individualised optical care is of great importance since it provides an optimal foundatioin for daily perceptions.


As optometrists and contact lens specialists we care for people with limitations of their visual abilities. We have comprehensive expertise in giving you careful, competend advice on the topic  of "Eyes - Seeing - Choice of Visual Aid".


Integrated into an interdisciplinary network of eye clinics, ophthalmologists, orthoptists and other professional groups, we offer comprehensive care for your eyes and Vision.


Good Vision improves the quality of live

Leo Neuweiler


Optometrist FAAO

Eva Neuenschwander

B.Sc. EurOptom.


Raphael Eschmann M.Sc.Optom.

Ass. Prof., Optometrist FAAO